Auch in diesem Jahr lädt die GUTcert zum traditionellen Exzellenznetzwerk Energie- und Klimamanagement ein. Dieses Jahr am 29.09.2025 als reine Online-Veranstaltung.
Die ISO 50006 bietet Unternehmen eine Anleitung, Energiekennzahlen zu bilden und eine energetische Ausgansbasis aufzustellen. Lesen Sie hier die relevanten Neuerungen, die mit der Revision in Kraft treten.
Am 31.01.2025 beschloss der Bundestag die Anpassung des Treibhausgas-Emissionshandelsgesetzes (TEHG) an die Änderung der Richtlinie 2003/87/EG. Der Emissionshandel wird dadurch stark erweitert.
Zum Jahresende 2024 erhielt die GUTcert von der Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) die Akkreditierung nach IT-Sicherheitskatalog gemäß § 11 Absatz 1b Energiewirtschaftsgesetz.
Show customers and stakeholders what you do to meet their expectations: GUTcert is your competent partner for certification, verification and validation. With our network of auditors and experts, we find the right solution for every project - in all sectors, for all company sizes and, of course, worldwide. Here are some testimonials from convinced customers (see references):
The competence and exemplary customer orientation, while maintaining the neutrality of an expert, should be particularly emphasised. The change to GUTcert as a new certification company is a real enrichment and further improves our already high standard.
Thomas Althammer
(Stadtwerke München)
[Translated with DeepL]
The audit was very pleasant, informative and very cooperative at a high level. We were able to communicate very well with the auditor and she was not sparing with constructive criticism. This is what we imagine an audit to be like! At the end of the day, this is helpful for everyone involved. The Globus management also shares this view.
Bernd Klemmer
(Globus Gummiwerke GmbH)
[Translated with DeepL]
For us, the ISO audit carried out by GUTcert is proof of the credible and high-quality sustainable development of our events. Thank you for the inspiring cooperation!
Fenja Gewitsch
(Deutsche Filmakademie Produktion)
[Translated with DeepL]
Always very constructive and helpful with regard to the special features of our industry.
Anne Berghöfer
(Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
[Translated with DeepL]
GUTcert has been a reliable and competent partner for GRÜNPERGA Papier GmbH for many years in terms of certification and verification and has always been a constructive companion in our improvement processes
Christian Gericke
[Translated with DeepL]
At Lebensbaum, we want to lead the way not only in terms of the quality of our products, but also in ecological and social terms. Long-term partnerships with reliable and competent partners such as GUTcert are essential on this path.
Henning Osmers-Rentzsch
(Lebensbaum, Pure Taste Group GmbH & Co. KG)